cs508 Quiz no3 solution
Q:1)Which of the following language was created by Microsoft as a past of .NET framework.?
ᐅ C++
ᐅ C#
Q:1)The division of two integers(i.e 2/7) in php generates a/an.?
ᐅRuntime error
ᐅ exception
ᐅ Floating point number
Q:1)Which of the following language was created by Microsoft as a past of .NET framework.?
ᐅ C++
ᐅ C#
Q:1)The division of two integers(i.e 2/7) in php generates a/an.?0
ᐅRuntime error
ᐅ exception
ᐅ Floating point number
Q:1)in context of C#,a class is definedd in the body of another class is called?
ᐅPublic Class
ᐅ Protected Class
ᐅ Nested Class
ᐅprivate class
Q:1)The Script written in php are executed by:
ᐅWeb Server
ᐅ Client Server
ᐅ Java Applet
ᐅWeb browser
Q:1)The concept of c# jaged array is similar in funtion to.....:
ᐅC++ pointers
ᐅ Java stricture
ᐅ Java Array of Arrays
ᐅC+++ rectangular Array
Q:1)The division of two integers(i.e 2/7) in php generates a/an.?
ᐅRuntime error
ᐅ exception
ᐅ Floating point number
Q:1)Which of the following language was created by Microsoft as a past of .NET framework.?
ᐅ C++
ᐅ C#
Q:1)The division of two integers(i.e 2/7) in php generates a/an.?
ᐅRuntime error
ᐅ exception
ᐅ Floating point number